Career Advice from the Thundamentals — Side Hustles and Choose Your Boss Wisely

Here at Ikigai Network we have heard echoes of our ideas on what makes a meaningful career from a number of Aussie artists and wanted to highlight that yes, folks like Seth Sentry and the Thundamentals are probably the leading career advisors of our time.
The venerable Thundamentals explore the age old issue of working for someone you don’t like in a job that doesn’t match who you are. Mislead by the glamour of the “big smoke” our protagonist heads into Sydney to get a “slick job” but suddenly finds himself;
…locked in to a shit box office
Making money for the rich folk
Feeling pretty ripped off
Was only ever meant to be a pit-stop…
Sounds like someone wasn’t intentional enough about their career… Don’t worry, if your old man tells you money doesn’t matter, don’t listen to him. Go chase that big pay check until you are 50 and can tell your own offspring not to follow in your path (coin toss on whether they listen to you this time around).
The group from the Blue Mountains (Tuka, Jeswon and Morgs) do have some concrete advice for someone getting “no shine for their overtime” (looking at you Woolworths).
- If you are struggling with a meaningless job and a boss you don’t like, why not pick up a side hustle or hobby
You make me want to quit my job, but I can’t
So instead I wrote this song about you
Try writing music, poetry or maybe even a non-fiction piece about Horsfield Larks, the only naturally occurring lark in Australia.
2. The other important piece of advice we can glean from this banger is choose your boss wisely.
The group from the Mountains include a helpful checklist for what to watch out for in a boss including if they act at all like Mr. Bean or smell like ash trays or Listerine. For the full checklist, check out their career advice video here.
You can also visit for career advice videos that help you, like the Thundamentals, to get to the bottom of exactly what it is you want to spend your waking hours doing.